Save Youtube / Vimeo videos

Outside managing local media files, Eagle can also save Youtube/Vimeo video links with the browser extension. The video can be saved as a shortcut link item in Eagle, you can open and preview it online and almost no hard disk spaces will be taken.

How to save Youtube / Vimeo videos as a bookmark into Eagle?

  1. Open the video link you wanted to saveSave Youtube / Vimeo videos - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  2. Click on the Eagle browser extension's icon
  3. Select 'Save URL' Save Youtube / Vimeo videos - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  4. Saved successfully
    Save Youtube / Vimeo videos - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  5. Double-click on the bookmark item, you can preview the video right in Eagle.Save Youtube / Vimeo videos - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
Remark: the feature only saves the URL shortcut of the video to Eagle, the video file itself is not downloaded and saved in Eagle.
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