Saving web images

Eagle supports browser extension so you can easily collect images from websites. you can use right-click and drag and drop to save images or capture images.

Collect images

Using Eagle's powerful browser extension, you can save any image within a second.

  • Drag to save 
    Drag and drop the image into the popup to instantly save the image, it's very simple. Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  • Alt + Right-click
    Pressing the alt key and right-click on any image to keep it! Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  • Right-click menu
    Collect images using the context menu. Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App

Batch Save

Too many images on a website that catches your eye? Save them all with a simple click!

  • Collect a bunch of images
    Get the pass to easily save images within seconds.
  • Resolution filter
    Filters the sizes you want before you save it.

Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App


The simpliest way to capture inspirations, the captured screeshots also be organized and categorized.

  • Capture Area
    Capture a specified area of the webpage.
  • Capture Visible
    Capture the currently visible part tof the webpage. Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  • Capture Page
    Roll down automatically and capture the whole webpage.

Use ⌘ / Ctrl to auto-pick Elements

In "Capture Area" mode, in addition to the originally select area, now you can press "⌘/Ctrl" to automatically select components, which greatly increase the efficiency of selecting an area and improves the accuracy of frame selection.Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App

Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Move and Adjust Size

Adjusting the selected capture area with mouse can be painful. In the new version, you can use the following methods for more precise operations:

Feature ⌨️ Shortcut
Move 1px Up / Down / Left / Right
Move 10px Shift + Up / Down / Left / Right
Increase/decrease 1px height Ctrl / ⌘ + Up / Down
Increase/decrease 10px of height Ctrl / ⌘ + Shift + Up / Down
Increase/decrease 1px width
Ctrl / ⌘ + Left / Right
Increase/decrease 10px width Ctrl / ⌘ + Shift + Left / Right

Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App

Collect Mode

If you want to instantly categorize images when collecting images, you can enable the "collect mode" feature, click here for details.

Saving web images - Knowledge Base | Eagle App

Transfer thumbnails to big images

If you drag the thumbnails of a full-sized image on websites, Eagle will try to find the location of the full-sized image and save it, instead of saving thumbnails.

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