Search by tags

The tags you used to organize images can be a filter condition, you can use tags filter to get images with a specific tag. Use the tags filter by following these steps:

  1. Click the "Funnel" button to open filter.
    Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  2. Click the "Tags" button to select tags as a filter condition.
    Left-click include the tags you want. Right-click exclude the tags you don't want.
    Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  3. The filter results will be displayed on the list. 
    Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App

Here are some advanced tips for combining and searching with tags:

  • Meet any tag conditions
    Set the Rule to 'Any' to find result that meets the tags condition (Disjunction / OR)  Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  • Exclude specific tags(Negation / NOT)
    Set the Rule to 'All' and right-click on the tag to exclude.Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
  • Meet all tags conditons(Conjunction / AND)
    Set the Rule to 'All'  and select multiple tags as search conditions.
    Search by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle AppSearch by tags - Knowledge Base | Eagle App
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